and through the wire...

By hesscat

Dad, Grandad, Derek

Almost 2 weeks ago my father passed away after a short illness and today it was his funeral service. It's been some time since he's been in one of my blips, so I've taken this last opportunity to blip several of some older photos today of him and his family. It's been a stressful few weeks for all of us particularly leading up to today but we got through it and think it went exactly how he would have wanted.

Some months after beginning my journey here on blip 3 years ago and realising my intention was actually to blip every day, I did think about what I would do in a position such as this, and whether I could and should keep blipping. Well I did, and I am glad I did, taking 10 minutes out each day to focus on something else was good for me. Both my parents were avid followers of my blip so I felt it would be ok and hope it was.

Anyway, today was of course an emotional day but I think and hope we are able to move on from it. We'll miss you Dad, Grandad, Derek.

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