
Perhaps all pleasure is only relief.
William S. Burroughs

I spent a sad night. Yesterday afternoon T and I were sitting out on the patio in the humidity, trying to catch a breath of air somehow. The hummingbirds were feeding and the chipmunks were scurrying around. Suddenly we heard a thump and a rustle. Out of the lilies by the barn ran G's old family cat, Divi, with the tail end of a chipmunk in her jaws. I screamed, T chased her along the path in the woods with me following. She emerged in G's yard chipmunk-less, but I was horrified. Horrified that Pip, Blaze or gulp, Fyra had been mauled. I spent a teary night, those little beasts are my little friends. Especially Fyra.

Early this morning, T saw Fyra in all her 4 toed glory sitting up on the back step, looking for her peanuts. I went out and all three chipmunks appeared. Fyra Lives!

All is right again at Dogcorner Cottage.

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