Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Tennis Ball

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

We had our skill thing today at school. A man was talking to us (All of s4) about his school life and football. I thought it was a bit misleading, and I don't think a lot of people were that interested. Then we got talked to by someone from Napier University, about exam techniques, employ-ability and a couple of other things.

Then we got put into groups of 6 and had to make a presentation about one. My group did employ-ability, and although it was nerve-wracking, I think we did well.

For the final part of the day, we got told all about university. Things such as courses, locations, costs, etc. I'm quite glad I'm a Scot living in Scotland, getting University for free (At the moment!), because I know that everyone has to pay everywhere else in the UK, and probably near enough everywhere else in the world.

It has really got me thinking about the future. In 3 years time, I will be out in the big bad world. I don't wanna grow up!!!!!

At my Nana's, we were talking more about work experience. I can't wait!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Steven :)

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