A little bit of everything

We awoke to the lightest of frosts and clear skies - by the time the sun was striking through the trees the garden was a filigree patchwork of delicate white.
With my exam questions finished, proofed and bound I've turned my attention to the jobs that need doing in the garden. Nearly two years of not quite keeping on top of it, not ever getting it back to pre-flood - and its started to look like being a burden rather than a joy. So bit by bit Im digging out the overgrown plants we dont like, recovering the more formal part of the garden, and slowly, to combat the dreaded creeping buttercups and ever expanding Ladies Mantle(s) Im making areas more maintenance free. Lots of weed control fabric, contrasting stone chippings and buried plant pots with their bottoms cut off to let the bulbs I can identify come through. Its tiring.
By late morning the sun had gone and rain was beginning - so an early lunch then out to canvas 50 more houses - a part of Kirkby Stephen i dont know at all, and what a change. Lots of aggressive notes on doors, most people i spoke with seemingly proud they dont vote, and as ever a few very lonely old folk just glad to see another human being.
On the way back i could see the sky roiling above Mallerstang - to the East it was black as night, but the silver edges on these building cumulus - and the shafts of light lighting the hillside made me pull over and stare for a while.
The weather seemed to pass us by - so another couple of hours in the garden were snuck in before the light went.

In other campaign news - my first leaflet highlighted several local issues - one of which was the financial hardship that Tebay & Orton Community First Responders currently face as they need to replace three defibrillators - well i got a call today and the lovely folk at Westmorland Services read it & would like to pay for one - very very pleased. Community spirit in action.

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