today has been a carry on. I couldn't get the car defrosted quick enough to drive down to the health centre so me and daisy had to run down on the icy pavements. she has some inhalers now although not an asthma diagnosis, so I'm hoping the wheeziness will go away. I don't want her to have asthma! I wouldn't usually take the car, but I knew we would be running late again.

then into town to the orthodontist and it turns out I was meant to take peggy in. wrong kid. they fixed daisy's braces anyway and assured me I wasn't the only one.

took ages to get back to meldrum, then I finally got to work to find that everyone was out and I had forgotten my keys. drove home and then got back to find a colleague was in. I got about an hour and a half of work done while stuffing a late lunch down so I had to do all my work when I got home.

now in bed at 8.30 watching a film. the photo is of beth showing daisy her photos from the highland wildlife park in aviemore, she was there for a school trip today.

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