twinned with trumpton


In a show of solidarity I thought I'd go with colour today, too.

After an hour of sorting through e mails; I fled for a school run and then got on the bike and cycled. Not furiously, but more steadily. To Leith first and a return to Qupi - scene of a lunch on Saturday with SteveandKerry before a day that alternated work with pleasure throughout. The light worked in my favour; as did the coffee. By lunchtime I'd wound my way though the New Town and the West End and Nether Gorgie to Fountainbridge where I'd conspired to find a blip to end a mono period. 
Job done, I sped off to chum her for a lunch at Tupinquim - never been before; and I enjoyed it, and it meant we got to stand in sunshine for 20 mins and chat. 
Back to work and into Ramsey Gardens, then a bank visit, a stop at a photographers' shop, a chat with a guy who I need to see about his scrap dealing next week before I made it to the school gates for the boys. 

We cycled home, and did bangers and mash; bath time, some FA Cup before one by one we dropped off to sleep. (I woke up to do this blip - cocoa in hand, I'll back off to sleep now)

I may have blipped these diagonals before

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