
By Katherinski

Mug shot of some VERY hungry caterpillars

I went to see my sister today. She lives just down the road in the next village. She has a lovely big garden which she has put a lot of work into and it is looking good. Walking around her garden admiring the flowers I went to see the nastertiums that had been doing so well. They were looking somewhat depleated and on closer inspection I saw they were covered in caterpillars. Cabbage White caterpillars (our subsequent internet research told us) were happily munching their way through the plant. My sister came over to see what I was looking at and saw her now tattered plant with the guilty culprits still chomping away. Far from being put out she was excited to see them! She was interested in them and pleased at the prospect of butterflies. A real nature lover - one of the many things I love about her.

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