More Views From The New

My apologies for yet another (a) collage and (b) view, but as I've spent the better part of the day gazing out at these views, it's a reasonable description of what I've been up to this blustery Thursday!

We met with our contractor and the cabinet/bookshelf carpenter this morning to finalize plans for the work that's about to begin on the new place.  Hopefully they will begin stripping wallpaper and ripping up carpeting on Monday.

These are the beautiful views we are lucky enough to be able to gaze at from our new lofty aerie.  Top left shows Beacon Hill across Boston Common from us, with the Charles River behind it.  You can tell it's windy today from the white caps on the water!  Top right is the Massachusetts State House.  Bottom left is looking down Washington Street towards the new Millennium Tower (this is the same view we have from the dining room in our old apartment 11 floors below), and bottom right shows Boston Harbor off in the distance, with the Financial District buildings in the foreground.

Extra shows the redoubtable Mr. W triumphantly brandishing an unwanted towel rack he's just removed from the Master Bathroom.

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