Another Scintillating Day in Santos (#4)

Well, this collage is yet another "cheat" because I took these pictures late yesterday afternoon, when at long last the replacement emergency generator finally arrived via flatbed truck on the dock.  This was followed shortly thereafter by another large truck bearing the crane necessary to hoist said generator up onto the rear of the ship on Deck 12.  The first shot shows the crane operator catching up on his beauty sleep as he waited for all the paperwork and palaver to be sorted out.  The middle picture shows the magical moment when some progress was miraculously made, and the last one shows our Captain conferring with the engineers.  Yes, we have a lady captain!  Quite unusual.

It is now early afternoon of Day 4 in #@!*& Santos, and we are all eagerly awaiting word from the Captain that the generator test was conducted successfully so that we can get the hell out of here.  Next stop is Rio de Janeiro, which we have been told will be welcoming us with fog and rain.  And so the journey continues ... I hope.

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