I didn't take any pictures today, so making do with the scene in front of me at present.

I woke first this morning, so walked Lottie, then took Pippa out in to the garden for her constitutional. They got obsessed with something behind the garden box, a mouse I think, and were quite a handful!!! Fortunately B appeared to help me.

I was about frozen by the time we were finished and had breakfast, so warmed up a beanie and went back to bed for a couple of hours. I'm gradually catching up on lost sleep from last week.

This afternoon the girls went home for the weekend. R took Lottie and I took Pippa in the boot of my car. Normally they travel together but we didn't want Pippa getting squashed.

B & I have a weekend off from doggy caring duties. I've got loads to do, so must make a list in the morning!!!!

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