
I slept for 11hrs non stop last night and was most surprised to find it was 10am when I woke. The weather forecast said that it would be wet most of the day, the only dry period would be mid afternoon. Well I’m pleased to say that they were very wrong!! It has been dry and sunny all day.
We had fruit for breakfast, then went out for coffee and cake at the cycle shop / café at Doddington Hall.
R & P had called in by to collect some extra bedding for Pippa. Her first night back home was eventful!! She was so excited to see P when he came home from work last night that she wet the nice clean bedding in her cage!!!!
She was intermittently noisy during the night and howled when Lottie went out for a run with P this morning. Lottie is a bit of a ‘dippy Dora’, she enjoyed her run but when it was time to turn for home she sat in the road and wouldn’t move. She was waiting for Pippa as they always run back together!!
This afternoon we worked in the garden spreading the bark that P delivered before Christmas. I pruned the roses and did a general tidy up, it’s looking good.
I hadn’t organised any thing for dinner, so we ordered a Chinese meal and B collected it. Very tasty!!!

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