
By DevonDumpling

'Birnam Wood'

I met a friend for coffee this morning, in the restaurant at the relatively new St.Wifred's Hospice......I haven't been there before. It's such a beautiful building, with some pretty landscaped gardens and meditative corners. Such a sanctuary. The first thing I spotted as we walked in was this beautiful piece of art hanging on the wall.

''Birnam Wood' ......designed and woven by Elda Abramson with Danny Flower (assistant). A textured piece, hand woven on a vertical frame loom. Woven in three pieces with an overall measurement of 2.47 x 1.86 took nine months to complete. The weft yarns (horizontal) were in part hand dyed for this weaving. The fibres are wool, cotton, silk and a variety of man made yarns. A riot of rich colour and textures.
The extra shows the full piece....stunning!

I don't know where Birnum Wood is..but will do some research.

Ps see first comment by Linda59 who has given me information on this. This is why I LOVE BLIPPERS.....someone I don't know comes in immediately with an answer. Fantastic!

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