
I was reading the book 'Wormball' by Jim & Christopher Slater to the little one at bedtime tonight. The book is part of the A.Mazing Monsters collection in which Mr A. Mazing, a world-wide expert on monsters, is called upon in each story to advise on who best to look after them and what to do about the problems they create.

Wormball is a small and friendly, but difficult monster, who appears from out of nowhere and starts to eat spherical objects, causing chaos wherever he goes. He starts with door handles but as he gets bigger has to find larger and larger things to eat so disrupts golfers, tennis players and students in geography classes. Before long the prime minister calls on Mr A. Mazing for advice as there seems no end to the trail of disruption. Mr A. Mazing suggests sending Wormball into space, headed for the moon.

The book ends with the phrase "if one night you look out of your window and see that the moon is not in the sky, you will know Wormball has arrived".

Clearly, he is has not got there yet.

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