Different place, same toys

Our old house was set in the middle of student-ville in the local big smoke and when we moved three years ago we decided to let it out rather than sell it. It has been incredibly straight forward really and so far we've always had really good tenants so there have been no major issues. However it does mean a bit of time needs to be spent there each summer, cleaning, sorting and this year (thanks to one particular council officer's over enthusiastic reading of the rules), replacing doors.

Whenever we take the little ones with us when we need to get jobs done they seem to go wild, well, wilder than their norm anyway. Not today. We have grown wise to their behaviour and today we took two boxes of toys.

The week ahead is looking like its going to be just a tad busy and in a way I'm already looking forward to next Saturday, but I'm sure there will be many good things in amongst all the jobs to be done and meetings to attend, just need to notice (and blip!) them.

In other news, we had a fabulous lunch at church today. There was such a bright and happy atmosphere amongst the sixty or so folk of all ages who were there, and the slow cooked curry hit the spot perfectly.

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