A slow day

Today was a very, very slow day. I was up 5 times in the night - thanks children.... holding hands at 1.30 is cute, but it wasn't at the top of the things I like to do at that time, there's only one thing on that list - sleep. 

I collected my husband from the station this morning - he'd been in London for a dinner and if we're honest, he wasn't in best shape.  He drew comparisons with the time (a few years ago) when he'd been out with a friend and ended up firstly walking backwards because that way he could walk without the ground looking 'wobbly', before finding a bush to fall asleep in.  Suffice to say, when I chirped up that the electricity was off due to maintenance and maybe we should treat ourselves to lunch out, I was firmly told that he didn't want lunch.  Home we went and to bed he went, joined by a child shortly afterwards. I should mention he didn't sleep in a bush last night, so it's not quite so bad. 

We finally got out later this afternoon at my insistence that we were all going to go mad if we didn't get out.  As I said it, the rain started but given how long it takes us to get out, it had stopped by the time we got out.  Did everyone the world of good, to the point that dinner was eaten by all the family. I think I may almost have my husband back properly, even if he can't remember much, greatly reducing my ability to live vicariously through him and find out any news.  

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