
By Lenore

Morning walk

We had a lovely morning walk today - up to what is called 'Simons house' after the former gardener who used to live in what is no more than a shed just beyond the end of the airstrip.   The gardener left his job after an altercation with another member of staff, which ended in a couple of broken legs being inflicted, Simon never returning to work and the other member of staff now becoming the gardener as he can't be expected to be a herdsman due to the severity of the injuries he had.  Only in Africa, as they say... 

Anyway, the walk is a lovely one, it includes going through the paddock with the steers in it, who I'm still very wary of and today had to walk right through the whole damn lot of them.  As my mother in law says, I'd walk through a field of horses without batting an eyelid, and cattle are (allegedly) far more benign).  All was well, they followed for a little while before giving up to boredom.  

Lady (the dog, who always comes out for morning walks along with pokey puppy), decided to go off investigating something or other and eventually came bounding down the track to catch us up. I just about had time to get the camera and take a picture of her in full flight.  

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