Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Silly Saturday: Leopard on a Mission

Casper has been with us today and we had a wonderful time!  I loved her cute little outfit, and just to make it even cuter, she likes to keep her hood on.  It was a gorgeous day so we all walked (Casper in her stroller) to the park to play in the playground.  She and Piper had fun playing in the sand but swinging on the swing was her favorite.  I'm not exactly sure where she was going with her shoe in my blip but she seemed determined to get there.  I thought my sweet little leopard would make a good Silly Saturday blip but I really love my extra.  She is just so precious!  Many thanks to Admirer for hosting!

Thanks to everyone for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts while I've been too busy to even visit your journals.  I hope to start catching up tomorrow!

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