
Apparently I only took one photograph today, and only wrote two status updates on facebook. This means that I have very little to go by, trying to recall what we did now that it's several days later and I'm attempting to catch up on my journal!

So here you have Charley, resplendent in his green catch-it bib and red-sleeved under-bib, with his new green sippy cup which I think we bought today, and one of his green spoons, with a strawberry massacre going on around him.

He still loves strawberries. I'm not sure what we are going to do if they are not stocked over winter...

I took the boys out to spend more money today, this time to B&Q for the bits needed to make chalkboard paint. I've designed my stall for the craft fair, now I need Steve to build it for me so I can get on with painting it!

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