Invitation to create....

This morning as we were pootling about Ben noticed the Monstrocity that we made back in February. It was fully intended to find its way into the bin in all honesty but somehow never did. Anyhow Ben noticed it and asked if we could make another one.

I duly set-to gathering all the bits and by the time I'd done, and had answered a phonecall, and had asked Gran if she was in because Ben wanted to skype her, and had taken Charley up to bed during the skype call because he was tired - not that he went to sleep after all that anyway, and had dealt with tired boys; Ben didn't want to create anything.

"You do it, Mama."

He wouldn't even give me directions! Ah well. Here's to getting organised so that all the things we need to make stuff if he feels the urge are there, on hand, easily accessible and gatherable. I have some ideas how to organise the childrens' craft stuff, just need to get stuck in and do it.

The afternoon was supposed to be spent making beefburgers and chocolate muffins but Steve's jobs took longer than he anticipated and I ended up having to rush making them, before taking them out with us to a family barbecue at a friend's house for the evening. Discovered some lovely wine which I wish I could remember what it was (only 5% and extremely drinkable!), enjoyed the burgers, and watched Ben play. Charley ambled around on the grass happily, coming up to us when he wanted some sausage or burger. I think he got cold though (in hindsight) and wanted to carry on playing somewhere warm because he screamed when he was in the wrap!

Ben was happy until we had to go home. Then he was very very sad. :(

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