Tulips from Amst........

Afraid they're not from Amsterdam, but a well-known supermarket beginning with the same letter.  They are lovely though!

Thought it might be a quiet day today.  Ha Ha!  Days develop don't they?  This one did.  It was an early start playing the piano for a church service  (Practice needed!), then delivery of flapjack left over from yesterday to the other church, and so it goes on with a mini crisis with Mom (Standard stuff).  We have sorted out all the crockery  at least!  And our grand total so far is £401!  Still a little more promised!

I'm still using the Panasonic at the moment, reacquainting myself with it.  I like it, but think it may still not be as small and portable as I want a camera to be when I don't want to carry a lot with me...  But do I want to go for a total compact or what?  This might take some time...

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