and through the wire...

By hesscat

Ms H

Aw, ma wee darlin'. I've been taking a photo of her every day for 3 years today after having accustomed myself to the blip routine.

I've only missed 6 days, 5 of which where when she was away on trips with the school (well actually she forgot on some of they days she was away tchhh) and one when I watched the ISS go round the earth... oh well... so that's one I missed...

It is something I wish I had done more of from her birth, maybe not every day ha, but I only started doing it after a tear in my eye after watching The Great Beauty. I often spend time looking back through them to see how she was.

It's been a bit of an effort and Ms H is happy we reduce the frequency now, it is possible she could fly the nest in the next year or so, eek... won't think about that. As a special treat, she give me a big smile.

Today's photo may look a bit weird, it is made up of the other 1090 randomly arranged photos to make up the original... don't worry, I just got software to do it. It can be seen better if viewed large.

And there is an extra of a visit by Mrs N and her children, 2 year old boy and 3 month year old girl twins. Mrs N, was Ms H's much loved last primary school teacher before the big school. Of all her teachers, she was a breath of fresh air... if this was any other day it would have been my main blip, so many smiles :-)

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