A long Walk

We made the most of the good forecast to get off up the valley to the Trows roadend, where we headed up The Street, a Roman road, towards the Pennine Way and the Border Ridge. It was quite wet and boggy with snow melt and rain but we made good time. Sadly there was no sign today of the feral goats that roam these hills.

The hill in the blip is called Mozie Law which is on the Pennine Way, a long distance route from Derbyshire to Scotland. In the past we have continued on The Steet (obviously not a steet as we know it, merely a rough track) into the Kale Water in Scotland and on over Whittington moor to where Mr C's sister lived, a walk of 15 miles. We'd stay the night and walk back via part of the Pennine Way the next day. However today we turned right at the point on the right horizon, towards Cheviot and into Scotland before reaching the summit of Windy Gyle, about 6 miles of mainly uphill. We sheltered from the wind behind the stone wall there, ate our sandwich and headed back another way.

On the way down I slipped in the slime, Mr C put out his arm to try to stop my glissade - and whacked me on the cheekbone with the handle of his walking pole. The response was rich. We called at the chemist on the way home to buy some arnica cream, but the bruise is colourful already. It might be tomorrow's blip.

My new pedometer says almost 20,000 steps and 8 miles.

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