Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck

And yet methinks I have astronomy

William Shakespeare: Sonnet 14

These are the lights I installed yesterday. I am very pleased with them. They make star patterns on the ceiling ...

Worked from home until about 12.30 then went to a big NHS event which was being held fifteen minutes walk away. TSM and I were both delegates so had the rather pleasant experience of being able to walk to work. I met a lot of old colleagues - in fact I got six hugs in the first ten minutes so you know it was a good event...

Afterwards we descended on Bills (about fifteen of us) for everything from coffee to burgers (possibly a glass of wine in my case). It was a very pleasant a hour and a half, after which we went to Boots The Chemist to collect TSM's prescription, only to get a text to say some more people had arrived late; so we went back to Bills and had another jolly hour with another glass of wine and much jolly japes.

I do have some fun colleagues.

Anyway knackered now of course; off to London again tomorrow afternoon for another conference and maybe a little walk around my beloved city. And food austerity. I found out later that a haloumi burger and chips in Bills is 1,300 calories ... should have just stuck to the wine ...

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