Much Needed Caffeine

I took the big camera out with the longish lens in the hope of getting a shot of one of the woodpeckers that have been knocking out a tune to each other for the past week or two.
They were heard but not seen .......... again!

What were seen were the first blossom , wet catkins - lots of them , lichens - some in black & white and colourful wonky steps.
There were also lots of birds singing their hearts out. In fact, it was downright noisy. This guy was really giving it laldy which seemed to have put this one into a really black mood.

After lunch PD and I were joined by Squirrel on her scooter. She insisted on racing PD but didn't stay ahead for long.
By this point I was on a 90mm lens so the feeling of standing on the precipice wasn't quite as pronounces as it would have been with the long lens from the morning. 

When we got back from the woods, Squirrrel insisted on taking her bike out and showing me how she has mastered no stabilisers and starting off all by herself. I can't help feeling that some adjustment is required to the height of the saddle and handlebars.

SWMBO was given a very nice flower display and some bits and bobs to take into hospital with her on Friday by Bags.
Bags thought she was having another 'absence seizure'  ..... I know that she was staying quiet and trying not to cry. She is really quite worried about her heart operation (not surprising) but I know she will not be sitting thinking about it this evening - she is away out to the theatre with Lou (I can't really keep calling her The Captain's Mate since he is no longer Captain).

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