Thank You!

I was about to take PD out for his morning walk when he felt the need to barf  .... twice
Thank you boy!
The walks today were a nightmare with the melting snow & slush .... a real workout for the thighs and a pain for the back.

The Council's path clearing - or lack of when it comes to private home ownership areas - was showing up well. I took several shots and put them together [url=]like this one[/url] to illustrate. These shots were taken from the same looking into the housing and the other down the hill.
This one is looking up the path (center) with the uncleared path (left) which goes to the station and the third shot (right) which goes ..........nowhere.
The last comparison .... one goes to a main road - the other to where people live in private houses  --- guess which is which.

I was a bit happier with the blurred trees today
Where I took the tree pictures the path was a bit icy Unfortunately even getting closer  didn't show the different layers of ice that were in there.

The stream was looking like a big crack in the snow.

For some strange reason the benches - even the one next to the clear bit of path were empty.

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