
I drove the lorry to the Burnley session today and it started with a bit of a fright!

I was in the lorry on my own and zooming down the M60 when the wing mirror on the passenger side flipped in towards the window and I was completely blind on that side. I didn't want to pull in to the hard shoulder as the lanes were not very wide. I decided to stay in the middle lane as I joined the M66 and I could follow the mini bus off at Pilsworth where they were picking up people. As my lane became the 66 I was okay.....but then a slip road joined from the left and I had to get across....I couldn't see a thing. I had no idea if anything was there so I indicated and slowly edged over, thankfully there wasn't a vehicle next to me, but it could have so easily been a disaster. It was quite scary to be completely blind on one side like that.

There are not enough hours in the day...or night. I am so tired, I need a few more hours to sleep tonight and then I need many more hours tomorrow to fit everything in that I need to do....sigh. 

I can't fit in catching up with comments tonight.....I'm very sorry.  

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