And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Ready to be filled :)

Forgot to take my camera out this morning :( so it is another emergency blip, its a made up recipe too!***** 4oz marge, 4oz sugar, mix well, add 3large eggs and 4oz SF flower, add 2drops of red food colouring if you desire then add 3 drops of vanilla extract and 2 drops of almond mix well, bake for 20mins on a 170 or gas mark 4-5 depending on oven. Once cooled make up icing butter i used 3oz marge 2oz sugar mix well, add 1drop vanilla one drop almond just to carry flavour through and 1 drop of yellow colouring. cut muffins in half spred with butter cream sprinkle with icing sugar, enjoy with a nice mug of YORKSHIRE TEA MmMm*****

had a lovely walk this morning i did not want to go but i did and felt ok.came back made breakfast, put washing in cleaned up baked buns, prepared a tea and date and cherry loaf another made up recipe if it turn ut i may blip it tomoz. It has to soak in the tea for 24 hours first its similar to brack but i added dates and a tbsp of golden syrup! off to lindas tonight looking forward were having Indian so that will be nice. I have prepared a poached pork chops lunch for Dave dad and dan it smells good but the indian will smell even better. Hope your all having a great weekend.

love c xxx

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