And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

peasholm park!

is a truly lovely place, we are very lucky to have it on our doorstep. September is always a difficult month as its the anniversary off Flynn's passing. So on the 10th of this month we will do something lovely to remember him by. And on the 27th of this month we will be going up to the west coast of scotland I can not wait. I wont lie im worried about leaving my brother dan in charge he was 17 in may and he has so many friends I dont want to imagine what they will get up to, what will be will be. Got some cleaning to do but not much energy as its terribly hot, im sat in the lounge as i type with all the windows open but the heat is so intense. Yesterday i said i may blip the cake i prepared yesterday but it looks more like a black brick so the poor birds will get what i can not salvage from the middle lol best get a move on when i have done what needs done i can chill with my book. Hope your all well I will catch up on commenting.

love c x x x

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