
By Hillyblips

One Small Step....

I am in total awe of space travel and the bravery of the men and women who flew the missions into space and it only seems fitting to mark the death of Neil Armstrong.

The Sea of Tranquility (located in the middle of the right hand third of this shot), the scene of the landing of the first man on the moon, 20th July 1969! The Eagle landed with Aldrin and Armstrong and walking round Cape Canaveral seeing the, to us now, primitive craft with very basic computers it was astounding that it did!

We saw the launch of Discovery back in 1995 and the feeling of almost heart stopping anticipation and gut churning anxiety for it to be successful was something never to be forgotten, along with the pride of achievement as the shuttle went up through the clouds on a roll!

'.......a giant leap for mankind!'

I can only gaze up through my lens with wonder and respect!

Must add a big THANK YOU to everyone for sending my butterfly yesterday to the spotlight - very very delighted!!

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