Flying off

It's not every day in the bathroom, from a seated position suddenly turn round - why would you - and see something like this staring through the window at you. The blinds not down from shooting the glorious sunset last night, he could just look straight in from the pear tree - not his usual perch ..ever!

Flying off the seat I shot downstairs to get the camera, change the lens meanwhile doing a quick mental somersault as to where I was going to get the best shot without him seeing. I just knew I couldn't get noiselessly or surreptitiously any closer or higher than this and hot footed it back upstairs. Couldn't do anything about the closed window so this is shot through glass.

In less than a second I was clocked by those steely eyes and he flew off; the third and final shot being a pair of feet :)) Pretty cool start to the day - says she who is sitting typing with a big grin!!

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