
After being a good wife by walking doggies and making Gorgeous some sandwiches to take to work, today has mostly been about horses. I had so much fun that I didn't think to take a photo - Hence Herbert here, the prop horse.

Rosie has been hinting that she needed an outing so we tacked up and off we went. Baring in mind she hasn't been ridden in ages, has mostly been stabled lately, is young and had been a bit boisterous this morning...She rode out like a dream! Willie, who has been under par recently, was also needing a bit of something so I took him a long walk on the lead rope. You could tell he thoroughly enjoyed it. Back at the yard, George got Tom & Jerry harnessed up to the exercise cart and went out for their first trip this year. Me and Ruby joined the big boys - It'll do Ruby good to see the cart in action and get used to it's noises, she'll be pulling it one day! A thoroughly satisfying morning.

Back home to walk the dogs at the stones before I get myself ready for a busy late/sleep-in shift.

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