Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

Village Cream Tea event

By 8.15 this morning the first batch of scones was in the oven and a second lot was in the making. After dropping them off at the hall later I drove up to Billingham for the first rehearsal of the play going on in October. The set is going to be amazing, the main structure is already in place. There will be Blips for sure! Rehearsal went well, I think there will be a lot of fun to be had over the next few weeks, great cast. (Having said that, I will be missing next 2 weeks,pity)
Finished earlier than expected so managed to grab a bit of lunch before going to the hall to help out for 2pm start. Very slow at first in spite of lovely sunny weather. However it eventually became quite busy and I had to polish up my waitressing skills to cope with the demands for scones and cakes hoping not to muddle the orders! Mostly local people but the occasional 'out of town' visitor dropping by, always good to have new faces show up.
Much clearing up at the end but many hands made light work of it and the profits for hall funds made it all worth while.
Aiming now for a quiet evening with a glass of wine to relax with.

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