Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse

'All is safely gathered in'

There are several large fields close by which have been planted with corn this year. It has been a pleasure to watch it grow, turn the field green and eventually ripen to gold. I don't think so much corn has been grown here before. The farm and land has had various owners and it was to become a stud farm at one point but the venture collapsed. Yesterday, (at the cream tea!) I learned a corn merchant has bought the farm and his son and family are to live there - great!
When the huge combines rattled down the village yesterday I knew the work on cutting was starting. By late evening it was finished. Couldn't resist going down this afternoon to see the next stage and I stood and watched for a time as the tractor went round the field picking up the rolls and putting them on a trailer. What a gorgeous day for the job too. Sun shining and lovely and warm.
Began the day with a session at the gym and felt I had a good workout. Such a beautiful day went a walk. Far too nice to be indoors.
Getting ready shortly for an evening rehearsal. Lots to do, upward and onward!

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