Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

National Memorial Arboretum

We picked DD up and went to the NMA. I was not sure what to expect. To be honest it's blown me away. I did not see as much of it as I would have liked but the children were generally whinging and being a pain.

I sobbed at this wall. The main memorial is for people who have died in service in conflict since 1945. It's a shocking sight how many people's names there are. Yesterday they dedicated the new names added for 2011. These wreaths contained the most poignant messages for their children or husbands and it broke my heart.

I will go back at some point.

I am ridiculously tired. The irish visitors have gone home and only father in law is here now. The children are tired and generally sniping and moaning at each other and I have zero patience.

Things could be a lot lot worse though and I think we need places like the NMA to remind us of that.

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