A beastly day

Today myself and Gorgeous have been wedded 666 days. Can't not celebrate that, right!? 

First though I had to wake up at work and do a quick early shift. Back home PW set off for a long day. 

Released to the wild, I went for a bit of horsing followed by visiting a few folk. Then off for a completely different walk to normal - Scapa beach at low tide. I lost myself in beachcombing whilst the dogs killed eachother repeatedly. Before home I took them both for a sit outside Tesco - Sigyn needs some socialisation work and Talisker likes to inspect people's shopping bags...in hope. 

Not home long before PW arrived too. And not long again before a friend in need called with an emergency plumbing problem. Both straight out the door and problem eventually sorted. 

Just home. Dinner plans changed to a quick oven ready curry feed. Wine free evening updated to wine inclusive evening. Flowers from PW earlier looking grand. Onion bajis burnt to hell....oops.

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