Getting Married in the Morning

We were on our way to Mum's this morning, and as I approached some traffic lights they turned to red. This appeared suddenly traversing a roundabout and came straight towards me. I managed to clang off 3 shots of the bride on her way to do the deed..

Arrived at Mum's at 1130 where she opened her Mother's Day present (yes I know its early) it was a picture I had taken of her with Zak which I had had printed and framed - she was thrilled to bits.

We left at 12 ish and drove to the Crown at Great Horwood where we had a really lovely meal. Afterwards we drove to Singleborough for a quick look at the family pile before it was sold. As luck would have it two people were coming out of the front door but I still managed a quick shot whilst they weren't looking (see extra)

From there we headed for home but stopped just outside Botolph Claydon where an auction is being held tomorrow. The viewing was today and so we had a mosey be honest most of it was rubbish. Back to Mum's then for cups of tea.

Whilst we were there I did an online passport application on her behalf including taking the picture. Then I had to register her new "Sparks" Card & then she got me looking at flights to France over Easter...apparently my sister is coming to the UK at the end of March & hoped Mum would go back with her, unfortunately Mum had booked a holiday and so couldn't go but thought she could go later...

Left there at about 530 and enjoyed a good journey back to Aylesbury. C had some stuff to take back to TKMaxx & so we turned at the roundabout and it was then that we were in a world of traffic pain. It took ages to get to the shop & rather than tackle the traffic again we whizzed round another of the shops there. When we came out ...we sailed home,

A busy day & hopefully Mum enjoyed her late birthday meal.

Cloudy with the odd spot of rain

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