Thats more like it!

The highlights of my day today were
* the really happy clarinet practise Katie did this morning, playing her pieces beautifully. 
* the walk home from school with her where she chattered ten to the dozen about a million different things, full of so much joy and so many smiles 
* seeing her as she walked in the door to find the new piano in situ and ready to go, with her music waiting. She ran in, sat straight down and immediately played. She then wrote such a lovely message to B telling her how she loves how different it sounds to her old one, good different and how happy she is it's here. 

Unfortunately the rest of my day was pretty naff and her day ended fairly badly as she turned into this ball of rude stroppy so I told her it was time to go read in her bed. At which point I discovered the clothes I had told her to put away she had in fact hidden in the washing and then lied to me. New challenges from these tiny people all the time, hey? You may be able to stop worrying they'll choke on a button or eat the washing powder, but the challenges definitely evolve. Not lessen, increase perhaps. And always in a "never a dull moment" kind of way. Good job I like me an adventure..... 

We have since had a huge cuddle & chat and I chose her something lovely to listen to and helped her to pick a new book after she finished the second Worst Witch. She's trawling through Milly Molly Mandy and loving it. 

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