
I ordered her some new socks yesterday. I was surprised when they arrived today. She immediately wanted them on and we had a couple of spare minutes after school before dance so we threw together an outfit and took a few shots. Aren't they incredible!?! 

The day started with a wobble. She had dreams her piano was still here - "Mama it was so real, I thought it was real" and she had a little cry. But I reminded her of the day and we decided that as well as packing all her clarinet stuff, we'd pack her piano book and she'd ask B if she could do some piano. B said "yes, after your clarinet lesson". I didn't think this the ideal solution- I suspected doing it first would work better- but B of course is the teacher so we didn't argue otherwise. She realised afterwards of her own that actually it would have helped to play the piano first. Katie was really quite snipey and grumpy in the clarinet lesson. Played a lot of things well, but was a bit rude and out of sorts. As soon as she put her piano book on the stand and put her hands to the keys, something changed. I've said to B before that playing the piano clears Katie's mind and centres her. She's not really had occasion to see that effect with her before. She said to me after that she now totally gets and sees what I am talking about. She was a different child when she'd had that piano time. 

She had a good day at school. One of her favourite teachers from FY took them for the afternoon and they got to carry out some science experiments they had designed last week. Science relating to biscuits. They got to eat several biscuits. She was most pleased. 

Home to change for dance. She found the socks awaiting her arrival but also I had got out our old keyboard. She really was delighted to have that until the piano comes. However it didn't take her long to point out "but I can't do any dynamics on that... and its got no pedals". As a short term solution though, she has tonight enjoyed practising on it and then playing with the different rhythms and voices. 

She had a great time at dance class too. She (and I) love that next to Tuesday and Thursday class is a really good park. On a Thursday its now light enough to stay for a play after class. Today some of her classmates came too and she played excitedly with them! I'm so pleased to see her making friends and settling into the new class, it made me really happy to see the three little monkeys chasing round. 

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