My View Today

For more or less 9 hours today this was it.
Sitting waiting on SWMBO to be taken to theatre to have her operation, or sitting waiting on SWMBO being discharged.

For the other hour and a half I wondered if the painter of the pictures in the extras box was a Max Bygraves fan (go HERE if I have lost you) or if he was just rubbish at painting hands.
Either way, I was hoping that the surgeons hands were steady and true.
It turns out they were I am glad to say.

For those that do not know - SWMBO was recently diagnosed with a huge, unstable hole in her heart.
Today she was in hospital to have it fixed by means of 2 discs connected in the middle.
They tried it with 25mm discs, but they were not big enough and they had to step up to just about the biggest size .... 30mm (Did I say it was a big hole?) 

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