Hands of Love

'H' is for Hands! ;-)

The dear hands that carried me through last year when I had my hand operations! The young hand in the left of the picture belongs to my beloved C. Last year when she had to do everything for me when my two hands were out of action, I thought it was the ultimate, now those dear little hands has even a more difficult task awaiting them! Hiehiehie!! I think it is easier to nurse two old hands back to health than nursing two old boobies, missing in action, back to health! ;-)

I will go into the office tomorrow to make arrangements for my work to be done while I am recovering. The principal and I discussed it a bit today and agreed that I will do the student accounts at home for a while, whilst the office ladies will receive cash on my behalf, and we will do the final arrangements tomorrow!

Wishing you all a lovely week!

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