All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Feeding the birds

For quite a while now, Ethan's "job" when he goes to visit Granny and Grandpa, is to help Grandpa fill up the bird feeder. Even though he had done it yesterday, he insisted it just had to be filled up again too! He has also now graduated to filling up the water bowl which hangs from the tree for them too.

It sounds like he has had a wonderful time staying overnight with his Grandparents. They told he he has been really well behaved and has eaten loads, including lamb at dinner (something which I just can't bring myself to cook so he never really gets).

We were quite late home and then hubbie and I had to clear our bedroom as the new carpet is getting laid in there tomorrow. As a result of all the too-ing and fro-ing and noise, Ethan didn't get to sleep till after 10pm. Hope that means he has a lie-in tomorrow although probably means he'll be up at silly o'clock instead as for some reason that's what usually happens after a late bedtime!

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