The Gullet

On a Superlative Walk around Nantwich today, this site caught the eye for its juxtaposition of signs and its apostrophe deficit.

We nearly didn't complete the walk; pausing in the middle of this railway line, we tried to work out how, with dogs on leads, we were supposed to comply with instruction number 1 when this train rushed into view, tootling its horn to advise us to move out of the way. 

Happily, we survived and soon arrived at the Nantwich Swimming Pool, which included today's superlative: the UK's sole remaining inland brine pool, first opened to the public on 1 July 1935.

Shortly thereafter, we arrived at the day's highlight: The Leopard, seen here with Chris and Bruce waiting impatiently to enter for lunch and beer by Joule's Brewery of Market Drayton.

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