Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Day of the Laughing Cow

So Mrs W and I got into eating cheese triangles today, which are one of those ultimate nursery foods for when you are comfort eating. Mrs M by contrast decided to put a cheese slice between two salt and vinegar rice cakes and then sat there with a big grin saying she was in food heaven. No, I don't quite get that one either.

I had some good outcomes today although a fair amount of fire fighting as well. One of those days when a trainer turns up ill prepared and everyone is rushing around trying to fix broken projectors and begging memory sticks. All got sorted in the end.

Think I will work from home tomorrow. Have some serious problems with the ongoing express train of deadlines getting set to squeeze me up against my backlogs. I am definitely stuck in the middle...No laughing matter ...But had a nice hour with a colleague sharing stress and gossip after work.

DIY tonight.

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