Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Smelly cat

As in cat that likes to smell things. But since the accident a couple of years ago when his face got bashed in and he lost a leg, he is quite keen on smell and hearing. Unlike his sight, which I'm sure was also damaged (you need to get quite close before he relaxes and recognises you) these senses seem to have remained keen. 

I had a very successful working from home day today. I am going to try and do it two days a week to help me get through without becoming exhausted. Created a rather nice little workspace for myself which even TSM had to admit was quite cool.

Other highlights of my day included a fishless finger wrap, Christmas pudding with orange blossom ice cream, listening to some very nice music on Amazon, and having the cats hanging around keeping me company. Even found time to do a bit of personal development involving hexagons,  bright colours and a process of elimination. I always think navel gazing is better with lots of shapes and colours.

Going to fill some holes in a wall now. If I can cope with the excitement.

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