photo bomb peggo! we had to take beth's violin over to the music shop for new strings before her exam next week. the guy says it seems like quite a special violin (which we knew as we love it) so I'll have to ask him to elaborate next time I see him. went for some sweets with this lot after.

quite a surreal day today. I had three things on my mind - four actually as I couldn't sleep properly after that bloody oj simpson documentary we watched - the graphic images of the murder scene were really bothering me. I was bizarrely jumpy after seeing them - horrific.

I knew nicola was announcing something this morning and when she did, I was both happy and terrified all at once so I couldn't concentrate on work. I nipped in to g's office for a wee freak out with her.

I was waiting to hear if my proposal was accepted, convinced today was the day. turns out it's sometime this week - but in the meantime I had convinced myself that was it and I struggled to shake off the disappointment!

and finally I signed up for the intermediate ceramics course for the end of the year.

so, a weird day. another indyref eh? I better get some sleep.

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