we really, really could have done with a long lie this morning, there was quite a lot of grumbling going on, mainly from me. but we got our stall set up early at lochter so we could then nip in to see my short course exhibition...and it was ace to see it all set up. I'm really chuffed my teacher displayed my tiles on their own shelf, they really stood out. there are some great pieces in the show - you can really tell who is in the advanced class. we're going back in on wednesday night.

anyway, we whizzed back to lochter where gillian was womanning the stall and it was pretty busy. we spent the whole afternoon gassing and seeing loads of folk we hadn't seen for ages. it was an ace event - fiona and co did a great job and raised £2786 for the archie foundation. I bought an ace wee felted guy from fiona - looks great on the shelf beside the dude.

could do with a long lie tomorrow...

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