
I thought I should take some pictures of some of the flowers SWMBO has been given, before they go off completely.
So after dropping the kids off at school, walking the dog and going back down to the school to fill in a form so that The Cygnet can be given his antibiotics at lunchtime by staff ** I took some flowers upstairs, stuck them on a table next to the window and bunged a sheet of black mountboard behind them........... there are another 10 shots after this one 

** The (blank) form I had to fill in consisted of The Cygnets name, date of birth, school (the form doesn't go anywhere!!!!), doctor's details, what the medication is, the time between each dose (nothing about what time the last dose was issued or what time a single dose was to be given), what side effects to look out for, parent/carer contact details and my signature.
Now, considering that only last week we had to fill in all the contact details etc for the 4th time, they had the medication and all its paperwork ..... and a letter giving all the details signed by his mother you can imagine that I was less than pleased with the useless Jobsworths in the office.

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