
...is with all this activity? The dogs look on at the nephew as he spreads the Lego about and I have a feeling they are thinking, "What the heck, relax man!"

Grateful today to spend time with the wee lad before his Daddy collected him and he went home with his big Golden Retriever.

Today would have been his Mummy's birthday, she would have been 44. For the next few weeks, up to my birthday at the beginning of May our ages were consecutive. They're not consecutive now.

I miss his Mammy every single day.

"Why?" it's a question I find myself coming across frequently...but you need to dismiss questions like that pretty quickly I find or you drive yourself crazy. So I bring myself back to the present moment and her wee mad boy messing up the Lego on my living room floor and I am grateful that he reminds me of her in looks and in attitude.

Happy Birthday, Chubby Hands.

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