Compulsory annual shot of a daisy.
Busy day. Funny how giving up working at the school seems to be taking up more of my time than working at the school ever did. I seem to spend so much time explaining to folk how to do stuff and then, when they bitch and whine about it just enough, just doing it myself. So, lots of that today.
Also more actual work that I will get paid for. So that's good.
And lots of racing about getting kids to where they had to be. Reading CarbBoy's report on his dyslexia just made me feel all sad. The effort he has to put in to just being 'not very good' at language is hard to take. But, we have a way forward, and his attitude towards the whole thing is amazingly mature. (Almost makes me feel like granting all his in-app purchases wishes... but not quite.)
Earlier, to be specific, when I got up, the internet was back on. And my 10 Gb of data had appeared on my phone. I think we call that win-win...
Tadpoles in holes went down so well for dinner tonight that I can't believe it's been so long since last time we did it. I may push my luck and reprise it for lunch tomorrow since there is still left-over Yorkshire batter and sausage.
And tonight a fantastic conversation with TallGirl about the difference (or not) between a social conscience and social awareness, and how you might express that in French. A very philosophical debate ensued at the top of the stairs (my opening to the conversation was "goodnight" so it may be I was being played) which culminated in my quoting Marx at her. (Though in the interests of balance I did suggest she ask her Dad what he thinks, since he and Marx are pretty much opposites.)
Then a very long (surprisingly long) conversation with my mam about everything except the elephant that's about not to have a right to live in the room of its choosing.
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