Blue velvet
I love these flowers, and this is the first one out this year.
Foggy this morning, as has been the way the past few days, eventually burning off to give a lovely warm day. The gardener came this morning and I managed not to talk about the pond I had to redo. Funny, he didn't mention it either. Still happy to hand over the bill for all the pointless work though. Anyway, bramble clearing and grass cutting for him while I slaved over a hot keyboard.
Later TallGirl headed off to hang out with a friend, then had no time to hang out with me because of an urgent homework project. Humph. Mind you, it was a fascinating assignment (designing utopia) which she did really well - bar a few typos that it was my absolute delight to spot! (Her French is so much better than mine that I rarely see any mistakes in her work.) What was interesting was how very French it sounded. When I read something in French I often feel it has a different style to something more similar in English: more philosophical and lyrical. And that's how TallGirl's writing sounded. I probably shouldn't be surprised.
I should also note for future reference that CarbBoy's allergy season started today (at about 3pm, as it happens).
Having not heard from Mr B since 5 am on Monday when I waved him off, I was starting to get a bit worried. He's not great at keeping in touch, but - after a recent chat about how I do worry, and how with his phones having fingerprint recognition I don't know how the police would know to contact me if anything happened - he's been a bit better. TallGirl, however came up with the very reassuring fact earlier that fingerprint recognition is better than a passcode, because even if he's in a coma they can still press his near-lifeless finger to the phone to open it and find my number.
So that's alright then.
Anyway, I sent a plaintive email and he found time to call. And anyway he's home tonight (writing this tomorrow) so now I just feel a bit like a naggy wife. Must be time to go away and drink champagne with some pals.
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